Hypertension is a condition where a person experiences the heightening of his or her blood pressure. While this is not a disease itself, it is important to give it utmost attention since it may lead to several serious heart-related diseases. A person who suffers from this condition is called hypertensive.

Hypertensive Diet Hacks When Doing Yoga

One of the most popular treatments to counter this condition is yoga. However, relying on yoga alone may not yield the best results. Changing one’s diet while doing yoga can actually help in the prevention of future hypertension attacks. This article will discuss five (5) interesting hypertensive diet hacks when doing yoga.

1. Less Salt, Less Trouble

This ingredient is extremely dangerous because people suffering from hypertension should consume only about less than 1.5 grams of salt, compared to the regular intake of about 6 grams. The patients can hack this by avoiding foods that are known to be rich in salt. Some of these are cheese, pickles, and seafood such as shrimp.

When a hypertensive has limited intake of salt, his or her yoga treatment is likely to exhibit a more visible result. It will be easier to reflect and meditate if the body is conditioned even right before the yoga session.

2. Potassium-rich Banana Snacks

The banana has earned a reputation as a miracle fruit. Its richness in potassium can help in the treatment of several chronic ailments, including hypertension. Potassium plays a vital role in the lowering of blood pressure, so a regular intake of a potassium-rich food will definitely help make a huge difference. Patients can bring with them several meals or snacks like banana oatmeal during their yoga sessions.

3. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is also a commendable game-changer. People who have had sudden attacks of hypertension attest to the miracles that a pineapple juice can make. A hypertensive can bring a can of pineapple juice during their yoga treatment. Plain water helps in regaining lost body water, but pineapple juice can both replenish the body and strengthen a person’s immune system from hypertension. It is, therefore, convenient and helpful to drink pineapple juice between session breaks.

4. Dark Chocolate

This is good news for chocolate-loving people. A Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) study shows that about 30 calories (or a tiny square) of dark chocolate per day is proven to aid in the lowering of the blood pressure in just 18 weeks. Furthermore, patients are advised to choose more than or equal to 70% cocoa-rich chocolate.

Patients who undergo yoga treatment can consume a square or two of their chocolate bars before, during, or after the session. This is extremely helpful to people who would like a sweet yet helpful treat for their condition.

5. Food Diary

This is probably the most helpful hack to a hypertensive. By keeping a journal, a person can record his daily meal and blood pressure. At first, it might seem to be unhelpful at all. However, over time, the person will notice the trend of his blood pressure and in case hypertension attacks, he might be able to figure out the culprit among the wide list of foods. A yoga session plus a food diary will definitely help a hypertensive track the best combination of mental and physical treatment to high blood pressure.